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Syrian Civil War

 Syrian Civil War
Syria is a western Asian country. It is surrounded by Turkey on northwest boundary. Iraq on Eastern boundary. Lebanon on western side and Israel on Galon Heights. Diaspora of Syrians  is one of the most plightful and heart throbbing task of 21st century. In a country with population of 18 million people, when 11 million people  leave behind their homeland, going down to roots of the event is necessary.

 How it all started?
From last forty years Syria is governed  by Assad family. Country is under government of despotism. Current president is "Bashr Al Assad" and, his father "Hafez al-Assad " was the previous president of Syria. "Assad" is a Shia Alawaite Muslim. In Syria also religion and communism played an important parameter in this infamous war. Syria is a country with 83% Sunni population. While Assad being a Shia, he has favored his religion and has enacted policies for betterment of the clan. Disastrous rule of Assad led to protests of people for changing the government. From 2010 to 2012 many such events of showing apathy for government took place. People's demands were compromised. Poverty, Violation of basic Human Rights, inaction during Severe Drought were some of the iniquitous acts of the Assad government.  Protest were commonly known as Arab Winter.
 In 2011, during one such protest government took arms for controlling the protests. It lead to people's violent rebuke. And from that event, seeds of war and disparity among government rebellions started. Malign movements were housed by  capital Damascus, along with other major cities like Homs, Aleppo, Raqqah , Dayr-ae-Zour. Among this cities Dayr-ae-Zour is a port city used by Russian navy. Major cities are still under rule of government.  For the very reason  Russia is supporting Assad to continue his rule.
Antipathy of Syrian citizens have led to forming of many opponents of government. Iran, Russia and China are the supporters of Assad. Due to navy and strategic reasons Russia is in support. Being the biggest Shia populated country, Iran is in support of Assad. World is witnessing  "religion and community" being the reasons of biggest war of this millennium. With the support of Iran, who are the suppliers of armaments and are providing military support. Another blood war is being witnessed by us. Unfaltered supporter of Russia, China is also supporting Assad.
Main Participants in this unrest:
Undoubtedly Syrian government's "Ba'ath Party Party" is pioneer and the main reason behind this event of iniquity. Supporters of this government is Iran, Russia and China. Iraq was ruled by Saddam Hussein who was in equability with the Bashr al Assad.    
People of Rustic Syria were main victims of Assad rule. They are being suppressed and opposed, at many places they are also eviscerated from their places. It has led to their believe in Secular government. They have chosen arms for bringing their dream true and are revolutionizing their  environs. USA, UK, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Turkey are in support of FSA.
Radical opposition in sophisticated  language. Basically the organisation is a  branch of Al Qaeda. Many Terrorist organisations are active in Syria. Raqqah an important city in Syria is the capital of ISIS. Reason behind participation of this terrorist organisation is propaganda of ISLAMIC religion. To surprise, in veils Saudi is also supporting Jabat. reasons and way of help is a clandestine plot.

4.) Terrorist organisations
ISIS/ ISIL/IL are the various terrorrist  organisation which are fighting to gain  control on Syrian state. Al-Qaeda's branch Al-Nusra is leader in this egregious acts. Leader of ISIS Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi is evangelist of violence in this area. ISIL breaks from AL-Qaeda due to an ideological feud. They attacked Kurds, Raqqa city.
5) Kurd
Ethnics tribe of Kurds are residing on the north of Syria, on it's northern part is Turkey. Iraq is on the southern part of Kurdistan,  Eastern Kurdistan borders with Iran. Iraqi Kurdistan first gained autonomous status in a 1970 agreement with the Iraqi government, and its status was re-confirmed as an autonomous entity within the federal Iraqi republic in 2005. Having established their own government, they called for autonomy in a federal Syria after the war. Rebellious groups of this parties are YPG- People's Protection Unit. 
PKK- Kurdistan Worker's Party.

Syrian war is one of the most entangled war in history with around 75 groups fighting for getting control over the Syrian state. In  this war many inhumane ventures happened like Cluster bombing, Chemical Bombing, ISIS Barbarism.
Effects on Syria:

  • Breakdown of Nation.
  • Destruction of Infrastructure.
  • Deteriorating Economy.
  •  Crisis in  health-aid.
  • Destruction of Cultural Heritage.
  • Palmyra- a world heritage site was destroyed.
  • Quality of life affected.
  • Longevity of Syrians reduced to 50 years.
Refugee crisis is the biggest effect of the Syrian war. Parsimonious remark of DYSTOPIA is joined with SYRIA. It has led to diaspora of 6 million people internally and 4.8 million people externally. Europe is the largest house of refugees. Proactively Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan  have embraced refugees.
Peace talks:
The Geneva II Conference on Syria  was a United Nations -backed international peace conference on the future of Syria with the aim of ending the Syrian Civil War, by bringing together the Syrian government and the Syrian opposition to discuss the clear steps towards a transitional government for Syria with full executive powers.

The Vienna peace talks for Syria, as of 14 November 2015 known as the talks of  International Syria Support Group (ISSG), are negotiations of foreign powers that began in Vienna, Austria in October 2015 at the level of foreign ministers, to resolve the conflict in Syria, after unsuccessful previous Syrian peace initiatives.

Syria is in abysmal state.  Peace talks won't help SYRIA. Using peace or weapons for solving the problem is the conundrum faced by world leaders. The situation is considered as the worst scenario after World War 2. As  laymen, the best we can do is pray for benediction on citizens of SYRIA.


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